Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's Been A While...

So, since the last time I took some time write, it seems like a lot has happened...but at the same time, life seems empty and my island is very quiet.  First and foremost, my Mom has been to and back from Kansas...visiting my Grandma and taking care of her.  The cancer has spread from her kidney and lungs into her bladder.  I have to be very honest and say that I really don't know what to think or how to feel about that.  I have very mixed emotions and find myself questioning a lot of things...more than I usually do.  I pray for her to get well.  But I also pray that she finds peace and comfort through this.  I'm very happy that Mom has been able to spend so much time with her...and will be flying back up on the 27th and staying indefinitely.  I just wish that I could make it up there too...even for a quick visit.

At the beginning of September we began our 12 week high school football broadcast schedule.  We're already through our 7th week.  Geez.  I know that this time of the year really flies by...and quickly.  But for some reason, the clock and calendar are going in fast forward in a major way.  It'll be time to start Christmas shopping and putting up the decorations and such.  I was in Target about a week ago and the decorations were already out in a couple of aisles.  Why?  Why so early?  No need for that.

We had an open house at the station this past Wednesday.  Open house?  In other words, a big party.  See, our building got a major makeover...and it was much needed.  And it looks great.  Even got our station vehicles (including the big production truck) wrapped and looking good.  So, the company wanted to throw a big party and invite our clients and potential clients to show off the place and aggravate our competition.  We had Event Rentals out to set up a HUGE tent...few restaurants providing food and whole nine yards.  We dressed in tuxes...first time in 20 years for me (my Junior prom) and had over 600 people show up for the party.  Now, it's time to work on budgets.

I've really been wanting to pull my drum kit out of the closet, set it up, and start playing again.  I just can't seem to bring myself to do it though.  A lot of people thought I was a good drummer back in the day.  I question be quite honest.  I don't know.  I miss that part of my life.  What if I can't get my chops back or can't even play like I did before...knowing that my confidence level wasn't that high to begin with.

The point behind tonight's blog?  No point.  Just needed to write.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hey Shawn :) nice reading your blog...I will have to become a "follower" HA! Hang in there with your mom and grandma...I know how tough that can be - praying for y'all


  2. I vote for the drums being pulled out, set up, and played. You ARE talented. :)
