It's been almost 2 months since my last blog. In fact, I couldn't remember where to go to log in to write this one. The last couple of months have had that effect on me...or is it affect? I don't know. You decide...and then let me know.
I know that my previous blogs have been all over the place...and this one won't be any different. In fact, I have no idea of what I'm going to type and share or how long this one will be. All I know is that it's going to be real.
We wrapped up our broadcast season of high school football a few weeks ago. I'm still having withdrawls on Friday nights. I still find myself rushing to finish my regular work by around 1:00 and then getting things ready to head out to the field and do a show. You would think that I would be happy to have that bit of stress off of my shoulders for a couple of months (until we start carrying UL baseball and softball in February). However, to be quite honest, life seems to be more stressful now WITHOUT it than it was with it. Doing the production work is stressful. It truly is. However, it's an escape for me...and one that really helps me shut out the rest of the world for a few hours or so. As much as I like the down time, I am looking forward to getting back in the production truck and start doing broadcasts again. I love doing live truly is a rush.
I watched the CMA's a few weeks ago. And, at that time, I had a blog ready to go just to talk about the show. But, I had other things on my mind and never did post it. I've really gone back to country music quite a bit lately. Only because there is a ton of talent in that industry. Although, that night, there were a couple of big named acts that didn't sound so good. Live television can be a good thing for some. But for others, it can be a bit rough. Believe me...I know all too well about that.
I'm growing a beard. Wait. I take that back. I've grown a beard...and I'll keep it a while. I like it. Plus, I'm too lazy to shave.
College football, with the exception of the bowl games (most of which don't mean a thing), is over. My Jayhawks really stunk things up this season...again. We're a basketball school. Enough said.
Christmas is going to be very different this year. VERY different. Grandma isn't doing well at all. Mom flew back up there two weeks ago and is staying for the duration. As of now, it'll be Dad, the dogs, and myself for Christmas. We'll exchange a present or two. But it won't be Christmas as usual this year. The last 4 months or so have been very rough on our family. You don't know the meaning of feeling helpless until you go through something like this.
My final thought: This time of the year, be very thankful for what you have. My Christmas wish list is similar to the one another friend of mine cards. I don't want stuff. Honestly, I didn't want anything at all. But, my parents insisted on getting me something...and I've asked for gift cards. And I've asked for comfort and peace for my family and myself...and for those around me. Regardless of your holiday traditions and/or beliefs, find a moment or two to be thankful for what you matter how much or how little it may be. You just never know when it'll be taken away or when you won't have it anymore.
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