Saturday, August 28, 2010

Meatball Stew...And a Dog Named Boo

Okay, maybe there is no dog named Boo in all of this.  But Meatball Stew just wasn't a good enough title on its own.  But, meatball stew is very relevant right now because it's been in the crock pot for a little over 3 hours now.  I haven't used my crock pot in several months.  My parents gave it to me for Christmas this past December.  It's a small one...but it's perfect for me.  Since Dad fixed gumbo last weekend...again, because it's what any man from South Louisiana does when the wife is away for an extended period of time (more on that in a moment), it got me thinking about using the crock pot.  I've never made a gumbo before...and I'll wait a little while longer before I try that.  But now that I think about it, I've never made a meatball stew before either.  Hummm...I guess there really is a first time for everything.

I don't get to read everybody's blogs...but I do read a lot of them.  Over the past week, a couple of friends of mine have written some good ones.  One was about soul searching...and it reminded me of one that I had written about soul searching.  I'm still soul searching...and it's not fun.  But regardless of where you are in life, sometimes you just have to do it.  And it is painful.  Along with soul searching, the same friend wrote about do overs.  Oh, this was good.  The one thing that is almost as painful as soul searching is thinking about all of the do overs we wish we had...and I think that leads to the bulk of the soul searching (keep up the great writing Daphne).  Then another friend of mine writes about a cheese grater and how her 5 year old buddy got so entranced with it.  What I got from her blog was how I wished I were that 5 year old again...being able to fixate on the simple things that we don't even see or look over because we focus on the complicated things that go on around us (thanks Mandy...keep up the great writing).

My Mom is still in Kansas with Grandma.  She'll be there for another 10 days or so.  Not sure if Dad is going to fix another gumbo or not.  But I got a call from Mom last night.  She said that our Pastor called earlier in the day to pray with her and Grandma, and to encourage her through this time.  It really amazed Grandma that a preacher 13 hours away would take the time to call and pray with her.  To some, that may sound like a simple thing.  But to us, it really said a lot about him...not only as our Pastor, but as a person.  Thank you Pastor Eugene for doing that.  Again, it says a lot about you...and it was greatly appreciated.  And I thank everyone who has kept us in their thoughts and prayers.  You have no idea of how much it means and how much it's appreciated.

Final thoughts...  I wish I had unlimited do overs and I wish I could go back and fix the things I did wrong and undo the things that have caused me so many regrets in my life...regrets that I still carry to this day.  I'm trying to move on each day...trying to forget about the past.  For me, it's easier said than done.  I hope for you that you're able to find that place of peace each day and move forward...forgetting about the past mistakes.

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